Imacon Flextight Single Frame Virtual Drum Scan
Industry standard scans for all film formats up to 5x4, designed for mastering a single image.
Uninverted / Inverted TIFF with no adjustments.
Basic TIFF with crop and colour balance.
Mastered TIFF with crop, colour balance and retouched to instruction - includes a test strip at intended print size.
We provide the maximum file size possible from each format - approximately 300MB for 35mm & 6x6 and 350MB for 6x7.
Files will be provided as 16bit TIFF and in the Adobe RGB (1998) colour space.
Please note: The Imacon does not use Digital ICE, so any basic scans may require some minor retouching - dust removal and retouch is included for mastered scans.
Imacon Flextight Single Frame Virtual Drum Scan